Easy Curry Laksa
Easy Curry Laksa
Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 10 minutes
Serves 2
1/2 packet Tean's Gourmet Curry Laksa Paste
500ml water
1 tablespoon fish sauce
250g fresh Hokkien noodles, scalded with hot water
200g chicken thigh, cut into bite sizes
Long beans, cut into 1 inch lengths
5 pieces fried tofu puffs, halved
A handful of mint leaves, for garnish
1. Add Tean's Gourmet Curry Laksa Paste, water and chicken meat into a medium sized pot and bring to boil over low heat
2. Add coconut cream and fish sauce into pot and stir well to combine. Boil for further 5 minutes
3. Meanwhile, using a clean bowl, add fresh noodles, long beans and tofu puffs
4. Pour boiling Laksa soup over fresh noodles, long beans and tofu puffs. Ensure soup covers noodles
5. Garnish with fresh mint leaves
6. Serve immediately, as a delicious meal like this waits for no one!
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